
Ancient Hossa

Hossa was already inhabited during the Stone Age and the mystical ancient spirit is still present in the area. You are as close to nature as our ancestors were. Row, fish, trek and enjoy natural peace by the fire and listen as nature speaks to you.

The Mark of the Shaman

Ancient stories and authentic old items introduce you to Hossa’s intriguing history. The culture-orientated trip back in time offered by the Mark of the Shaman takes you as far back as the Stone Age and Kalevala. Hossa’s history, mysticism and nature play a major role in this storytelling event offered. All this is crowned with a traditional campfire meal, prepared together.

Food and programme services

Enjoying a meal out in the open is one of the best moments in any excursion, especially if you get to sit at a set table. Some of the companies in Hossa specialise in providing groups with meals and programme in the context of excursions. The most enthusiastic cooks can even take part in the cooking. Local tales and wilderness traditions are also a part of these programmes and services.

Services offered by businesses and companies

Hossa Travel

Ohjelmapalvelut, Eräopas

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