
Berry picking

A berry pail is a standard excursion item of the late summer and autumn. The rugged heaths of Hossa turn red-and-white during the lingonberry season. Tasty blueberries can be picked from the slopes of the spruce-covered hills even earlier, in late summer. When it’s time for cloudberries, pull your wellies on and head to the bogs. When you go berry picking, do so with a map, compass and clothing that you will protect you from mosquito bites.

Mushroom picking

Everyman’s right allows you to pick mushrooms at Hossa as well, even in the area of the national park. The rugged heaths are ideal spots for rufous milkcaps and porcinis, for example. In the best of years, you can come away with not only a bucketful of mushrooms, but pails of blueberries and lingonberries to boot.


The bogs of Hossa are also home to cranberries. Cranberries are at their best after the first frosts and at their sweetest when picked in the spring.